•    Addictive behaviour is only truly problematic when the behaviour causes negative outcomes or harmful side-effects.

•    A clear symptom of problem gambling is when the compulsion to gamble continues despite these negative consequences

•    Take our test below to see whether your gambling behaviour could be classified as an addiction

hand typing on laptop keyboard

How do I know if I have a gambling addiction?

Problematic Gambling is a behavioural addiction – the addiction is not substance-related and you won’t suffer any physical withdrawal symptoms if you stop. And, like most human behaviour, there is no cause for alarm if the behaviour is under control and there are no negative consequences resulting from such behaviour.

But gambling becomes highly problematic when your gambling starts to affect your life in a negative way. And you know you have an addiction when the compulsion to gamble persists despite those negative consequences.

So how do you know if you are a problem gambler? Read our checklist below to see if your gambling is out of control.

Checklist: how do I know if I have a gambling problem?

Answer yes or no to the following questions
Do you gamble at least once each week?
Do you gamble more than once each week?
Have you felt compelled to gamble more after winning big?
Do you ever attend a casino or other gambling venue on your own?
Have you ever spent more than 24 hours in a gambling venue?
Have you felt regret after gambling when you realised how much money you have lost?
Have you experienced depression after a losing streak of gambling?
Have you ever lied to your family or friends about going gambling?
Have you lied about how much money you lost gambling?
Have you felt compelled to gamble again and again to recover your losses from gambling?
Have you used money intended for rent, utilities or food for gambling?
Have you gambled until you have no money left to gamble?
Have you borrowed money or used credit in order to gamble?
Have you gambled to pay debts or money owed to another person?
Have you tried to resolve financial problems by gambling?
Do you keep gambling despite all of the above?

Please answer all questions!

Your Score

You have answered yes to question(s)

If you answered yes to more than three or more of the above questions, it is possible that you have a gambling addiction. You might want to consider talking with a professional counsellor, therapist or psychologist to help get your gambling back under control. Contact Associated Counsellors and Psychologists Sydney now to get yourself back on track.

If you answered yes to more than three or more of the above questions, it is possible that you have a gambling addiction. You might want to consider talking with a professional counsellor, therapist or psychologist to help get your gambling back under control. Contact Associated Counsellors and Psychologists Sydney now to get yourself back on track.

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