There are various types of bullying behaviour:
1. Verbal bullying most commonly takes the form of name-calling, teasing, insults, and consistent negative commentary. This type of bullying is often covered up as a joke, but can be very demoralising and undermining of the victim’s confidence.
2. Social bullying includes whispering, spreading rumours, side-lining, excluding, ganging up and creating social tension amongst a group. This is a common form of bullying experienced both in schools and in work-places. In addition, work-place bullying typically seeks to incapacitate a person from successfully undertaking their work, for e.g. by failing to instruct them properly on what they need to do.
3. Physical bulling is easier to identify than verbal or social bullying because of its clear-cut illegality and more physically apparent outcomes. It involves acts of physical aggression against another person including knocking, shoving, slapping or beating a person.
4. Cyber bullying uses the internet or other digital devices (such as facebook, twitter, texting or emailing) to engage in verbal or social forms of bullying. Cyber-bullying is a new format of bullying which is becoming increasingly problematic in the technological age, especially amongst teenagers and young people. It is difficult to monitor and it has dramatic reach.