According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 68 percent of residents have internet access and this percentage is fast growing. Out of the 68 percent of residents, 78 percent of these have access to broadband internet and the Federal Government has recently commenced work on expanding this to ensure that broadband internet will soon be available to the entire population. Clearly, the internet has come to stay in most Australian homes. Of course the internet does have exceptional value – it is an immense communication network, it can provide easy access to educational information, it is a way for families spread over long distances to remain in contact, and it is a wonderful way to connect socially with people from all over the world. (This article is electronically protected – Copyright © Associated Counsellors & Psychologists Sydney PTY LTD)
Indeed, using the internet as a tool for social interaction is becoming more and more prominent in the way we engage with others, both locally and across the globe. Social interaction sites like Facebook, Twitter and various online chat rooms are becoming social phenomenas which enable people to meet and form online relationships.
The internet also offers gaming fanatics the opportunity to make real social connections within a virtual cyber-world. In these 3D virtual worlds, a person can create their own virtual character, endow it with skills and a personality, and interact with others in a way which can sometimes create intense and very emotional attachments. Some of these websites even include the ability to have cybersex and become cyber-married. These marriages are not legal, of course, but the emotional impact can still be quite substantial.
Another aspect of the internet – and an extremely significant aspect in so far as it can affect relationships – is online pornography sites. Porn sites can be as benign as animae (cartoon) drawings and animated movies about sexual activities, and as involved as having girls and guys in private rooms who perform sexual activities on webcams where they can also interact with customers directly via microphones. In extreme cases, watching internet pornography can become almost a full time activity for some people.